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صابون الحلاقة بالزبدة الثلاثية الفائقة من خشب الصندل والحمضيات مع الكركم

صابون الحلاقة بالزبدة الثلاثية الفائقة من خشب الصندل والحمضيات مع الكركم

سعر عادي $13.80 USD
سعر عادي $17.69 USD سعر البيع $13.80 USD
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يتم احتساب الشحن عند الخروج.

رائحة قوية ورجولة حقًا مع مكونات عليا من الحمضيات. مكتمل بالكركم الذي استخدمه البعض كعامل طبيعي مضاد للميكروبات ومضاد للبكتيريا لقتل البكتيريا التي تسبب ظهور حب الشباب والبثور.


وفر المال بتجربة البلسم والصابون!

كيفية الاستخدام للحلاقة
التعليمات: ضعه بسخاء على الوجه باستخدام فرشاة حلاقة مبللة واحلق. شطف بالماء الدافئ.


حمض دهني مُصبن، زيت جوز الهند، زيت جوز الهند (جوز الهند)، زيت الخروع، زيت بذور ريسينوس كومونيس (الخروع)، زبدة الكاكاو، زبدة بذور ثيوبروما كاكاكو (الكاكاو)، زبدة الكوكوم، زبدة بذور إنديكا جارسينيا، زبدة الشيا، بوتيروبيرموم باركي المهدرجة. ، لانولين لا مائي، جليسرين نباتي، دستور الأدوية الأمريكي، لاكتات الصوديوم، مزيج الزيوت العطرية والمطابق للطبيعة، الكركم العضوي.

التعبئة والتغليف

الوزن الصافي 5.5 أوقية. 3.5 بوصة مستديرة، 1.75 بوصة طول. حاوية بلاستيكية كهرمانية مستقيمة الجوانب قابلة لإعادة التدوير من PETE مع غطاء علوي لولبي. 


بسبب محتوى الفانيليا الطبيعي في هذا الصابون، سيكون له مظهر بني أو بني رخامي في جميع أنحاءه، وهذا أمر طبيعي.

© 2011 منتجات Sudsy Soapery الطبيعية ™. كل الحقوق محفوظة. جميع الصور © 2015 The Sudsy Soapery Natural Products™. كل الحقوق محفوظة.

عرض التفاصيل الكاملة

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Jack Bergin (Conroe, US)
Awesome scent, great slickness

I didn't know what to expect when I purchased the Sandalwood & Citrus shave soap. Because the soap base is so consistent, I knew to expect good slickness and protection. It is very easy to build a lather with any of SS shave soaps, this is no exception. My senses pick up more of the Citrus scent and not Sandalwood. That's OK though as I enjoy the Citrus scent. I find the scent to be not as strong as the Frosted Lemon but slightly stronger than the Lemon Rose Chypre.


Truly great soaps and very well priced!

Michael Perry (Indianapolis, US)
Sandlewood & Citrus

I was really impressed with this shaving soap, it has a good scent, produces a great lather and gives a good cushion.

Bruce Wilson (Chilliwack, CA)
Shaving Soap and Balm

As expected the shaving soap was outstanding however the balm (which is the first time using) was a very pleasant surprise. It is indeed a cream and is probably the best balm I've ever used and I have used many brands. An all day joy.

Geoffrey B.
Love the smell!

Smells and feels great, plus my wife enjoys it.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Jack Bergin (Conroe, US)
Awesome scent, great slickness

I didn't know what to expect when I purchased the Sandalwood & Citrus shave soap. Because the soap base is so consistent, I knew to expect good slickness and protection. It is very easy to build a lather with any of SS shave soaps, this is no exception. My senses pick up more of the Citrus scent and not Sandalwood. That's OK though as I enjoy the Citrus scent. I find the scent to be not as strong as the Frosted Lemon but slightly stronger than the Lemon Rose Chypre.


Truly great soaps and very well priced!

Michael Perry (Indianapolis, US)
Sandlewood & Citrus

I was really impressed with this shaving soap, it has a good scent, produces a great lather and gives a good cushion.

Bruce Wilson (Chilliwack, CA)
Shaving Soap and Balm

As expected the shaving soap was outstanding however the balm (which is the first time using) was a very pleasant surprise. It is indeed a cream and is probably the best balm I've ever used and I have used many brands. An all day joy.

Geoffrey B.
Love the smell!

Smells and feels great, plus my wife enjoys it.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Jack Bergin (Conroe, US)
Awesome scent, great slickness

I didn't know what to expect when I purchased the Sandalwood & Citrus shave soap. Because the soap base is so consistent, I knew to expect good slickness and protection. It is very easy to build a lather with any of SS shave soaps, this is no exception. My senses pick up more of the Citrus scent and not Sandalwood. That's OK though as I enjoy the Citrus scent. I find the scent to be not as strong as the Frosted Lemon but slightly stronger than the Lemon Rose Chypre.


Truly great soaps and very well priced!

Michael Perry (Indianapolis, US)
Sandlewood & Citrus

I was really impressed with this shaving soap, it has a good scent, produces a great lather and gives a good cushion.

Bruce Wilson (Chilliwack, CA)
Shaving Soap and Balm

As expected the shaving soap was outstanding however the balm (which is the first time using) was a very pleasant surprise. It is indeed a cream and is probably the best balm I've ever used and I have used many brands. An all day joy.

Geoffrey B.
Love the smell!

Smells and feels great, plus my wife enjoys it.