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قالب شامبو الشعر آذريون مع مستخلص إكليل الجبل وزبدة الكوكوم والمانجو ومضاد الأكسدة الروزماري

قالب شامبو الشعر آذريون مع مستخلص إكليل الجبل وزبدة الكوكوم والمانجو ومضاد الأكسدة الروزماري

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يتم احتساب الشحن عند الخروج.

قالب شامبو الآذريون مع النخيل الأحمر ومستخلص الآذريون وزبدة الكوكوم والمانجو ومضادات الأكسدة إكليل الجبل

قالب الشامبو هذا غني بخصائص التنظيف والتنقية ويترك شعرك في وضع ناعم وسهل التصفيف. نحن نوصي به بشدة لأنواع الشعر ذات الميول الدهنية الأقل، ومع ذلك، فقد تم اختباره وهو رائع لجميع أنواع الشعر والشعر المعالج بالألوان. نحن نستخدم النخيل العضوي الغني بفيتامينات A وE، والتي يستخدمها البعض لتعزيز نمو خلايا بصيلات الشعر، مما يؤدي إلى شعر أقوى.

غيرها من الهوايات:
جربي قالب بلسم الشعر الطبيعي الخاص بنا لإكمال عملية الشراء. سوف يحدث ثورة في روتين شعرك.

حقائق سريعة عن المكونات:

زيت النخيل: أحمر عضوي، معتمد لصحة الشعر ونموه، غني بفيتامينات A وE
زبدة المانجو والكوكوم: لمزيد من الرطوبة
آذريون: يساعد في حالات فروة الرأس، مثل فروة الرأس الجافة والحكة
الزيوت العطرية: طبيعية ونقية 100%
اللون: لون طبيعي من مستخلص ثاني أكسيد الكربون المضاد للأكسدة من إكليل الجبل، يساعد على إعادة نمو الشعر

المكونات: إيزيثينات كوكويل الصوديوم، BTMS-25، لمعان الليمون الرباعي، مركب الأطراف المتقصفة، زبدة الكوكوم والمانجو، مزيج الزيوت العطرية النقية 100%، زيت النخيل الأحمر العضوي، مستخلص إكليل الجبل، مستخلص الآذريون والبتلات.

كيف تستعمل:
افركيه بين اليدين للحصول على رغوة، أو افركيه مباشرة على الشعر. دلكيه على الشعر وفروة الرأس ثم اشطفيه للتنظيف. تابع معنا مكيف حاجِز.

يرجى ملاحظة: قالب شامبو الآذريون المصنوع يدويًا مع النخيل الأحمر ومستخلص الآذريون وزبدة الكوكوم والمانجو ومضادات الأكسدة إكليل الجبل سوف يدوم لفترة طويلة ولكن فقط إذا ظل جافًا بين الاستخدامات. استخدم طبق الصابون الذي يتم تصريفه واحتفظ به في مكان بعيد عن الماء الراكد.

ملحوظة: صورنا هي للإشارة فقط. يتم تصنيع المنتجات يدويًا باستخدام مكونات طبيعية. يرجى السماح باختلاف اللون والتصميم في منتجاتك النهائية.

هام: توقف عن الاستخدام في حالة حدوث أي تهيج.

التعبئة والتغليف: جميع الألواح مغلفة في ورق حرفي يحتوي على مكونات عامة ونوع الصابون المدرج بالداخل.

© 2011 منتجات Sudsy Soapery الطبيعية ™. كل الحقوق محفوظة. جميع الصور © 2021The Sudsy Soapery Natural Products™. كل الحقوق محفوظة.



عرض التفاصيل الكاملة

Customer Reviews

Based on 39 reviews
Dernise Hill (Houston, US)
Castile Soap with Oatmeal and Calendula Shampoo soap

I love the Castile Oatmeal soap.

*I am so impressed with how good my scalp feel after washing my hair with the Calendula soap.. my hair is so bouncy. I will be placing another order soon.

Anastasiya Campbell (Phoenix, US)
Wonderful Shampoo

My husband and I both tried it, and it worked wonderfully for us both even though we have different hair. His is short and thin, he s dirty blonde and he said after using just once he notices significant improvements in his scalp and hair health overall. No more itchiness, dryness or anything. He loves it and wont use anything else. My hair is colored and long. I have a LOT of hair, and it's been through a lot with color changes, and for me too the shampoo work well. I use it 2 times a week and my hair feels and look health and it's easy to style. Now it's also affordable so that is a major perk, and natural. We love it so much, I don't see us using anything else.

ARK (Jackson, US)
I’m smitten!

Gave this one a whirl when I read it could help w dry scalp. The winter seemed especially harsh on my hair. I already loved one of the other solid shampoo formulations from SS. Within just a handful of washings, I’m experiencing great results. My scalp seems less irritated & hair is far more manageable. Such luxurious feel!

Bryce Nall

All around amazing. Will get again.

Jenny Desir (Hyattsville, US)
Calendula shampoo bar

This is my first time using this shampoo bar and I really liked it! It cleaned my hair without drying it out. I also loved the natural scent of the shampoo bar, not strong like most traditional shampoos.

Customer Reviews

Based on 39 reviews
Dernise Hill (Houston, US)
Castile Soap with Oatmeal and Calendula Shampoo soap

I love the Castile Oatmeal soap.

*I am so impressed with how good my scalp feel after washing my hair with the Calendula soap.. my hair is so bouncy. I will be placing another order soon.

Anastasiya Campbell (Phoenix, US)
Wonderful Shampoo

My husband and I both tried it, and it worked wonderfully for us both even though we have different hair. His is short and thin, he s dirty blonde and he said after using just once he notices significant improvements in his scalp and hair health overall. No more itchiness, dryness or anything. He loves it and wont use anything else. My hair is colored and long. I have a LOT of hair, and it's been through a lot with color changes, and for me too the shampoo work well. I use it 2 times a week and my hair feels and look health and it's easy to style. Now it's also affordable so that is a major perk, and natural. We love it so much, I don't see us using anything else.

ARK (Jackson, US)
I’m smitten!

Gave this one a whirl when I read it could help w dry scalp. The winter seemed especially harsh on my hair. I already loved one of the other solid shampoo formulations from SS. Within just a handful of washings, I’m experiencing great results. My scalp seems less irritated & hair is far more manageable. Such luxurious feel!

Bryce Nall

All around amazing. Will get again.

Jenny Desir (Hyattsville, US)
Calendula shampoo bar

This is my first time using this shampoo bar and I really liked it! It cleaned my hair without drying it out. I also loved the natural scent of the shampoo bar, not strong like most traditional shampoos.

Customer Reviews

Based on 39 reviews
Dernise Hill (Houston, US)
Castile Soap with Oatmeal and Calendula Shampoo soap

I love the Castile Oatmeal soap.

*I am so impressed with how good my scalp feel after washing my hair with the Calendula soap.. my hair is so bouncy. I will be placing another order soon.

Anastasiya Campbell (Phoenix, US)
Wonderful Shampoo

My husband and I both tried it, and it worked wonderfully for us both even though we have different hair. His is short and thin, he s dirty blonde and he said after using just once he notices significant improvements in his scalp and hair health overall. No more itchiness, dryness or anything. He loves it and wont use anything else. My hair is colored and long. I have a LOT of hair, and it's been through a lot with color changes, and for me too the shampoo work well. I use it 2 times a week and my hair feels and look health and it's easy to style. Now it's also affordable so that is a major perk, and natural. We love it so much, I don't see us using anything else.

ARK (Jackson, US)
I’m smitten!

Gave this one a whirl when I read it could help w dry scalp. The winter seemed especially harsh on my hair. I already loved one of the other solid shampoo formulations from SS. Within just a handful of washings, I’m experiencing great results. My scalp seems less irritated & hair is far more manageable. Such luxurious feel!

Bryce Nall

All around amazing. Will get again.

Jenny Desir (Hyattsville, US)
Calendula shampoo bar

This is my first time using this shampoo bar and I really liked it! It cleaned my hair without drying it out. I also loved the natural scent of the shampoo bar, not strong like most traditional shampoos.