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صابون الحيوانات الأليفة مع النيم والشوفان ومزيج الزيوت العطرية الطاردة للاستخدام الخارجي

صابون الحيوانات الأليفة مع النيم والشوفان ومزيج الزيوت العطرية الطاردة للاستخدام الخارجي

سعر عادي $7.49 USD
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صابون الحيوانات الأليفة مع النيم والباباسو والشيا والشوفان ومزيج الزيوت العطرية الطاردة للاستخدام الخارجي


إذا كان حيوانك الأليف متسخًا وتبحث عن حل طبيعي لاحتياجات الاستحمام الخاصة به. لا تنظر أبعد من هذا البديل الطبيعي. يتمتع بقوة تنظيف كبيرة للرغوة وهو غني بزيت النيم والشوفان للحصول على منظف وبلسم فعال للحيوانات. كما أنه يحتوي على مزيج من الزيوت العطرية التي قد تبقي الحشرات بعيدة عن أحبائك!

تعليمات الاستخدام: بلل الفراء جيدًا. فرك الشريط مباشرة على الفراء. يتم رغوته بأطراف الأصابع مع إضافة المزيد من الماء حسب الضرورة. شطف جيدا. للاستخدام على القطط والكلاب والحيوانات الأخرى التي يكون الحمام المائي والصابون مناسبًا لها.

حقائق سريعة عن المكونات:
زيت نواة النخيل: عضوي RSPO مستدام
الزيوت العطرية: طبيعية 100%
اللون: لون طبيعي من زيت النيم وطين الرسول

المكونات: زيتون مصبوغ، جوز الهند، نواة النخيل، زيوت الخروع، حليب الماعز، زيوت القنب والنيم، حليب الماعز، دقيق الشوفان جي إف، أوراق الصبار، مزيج خارجي من الزيوت العطرية النقية 100%، طين الرسول، العسل.

يرجى ملاحظة: سوف يستمر صابون الحيوانات الأليفة المصنوع يدويًا المصنوع من دقيق الشوفان لفترة طويلة ولكن فقط إذا ظل جافًا بين الاستخدامات. استخدم طبق الصابون الذي يتم تصريفه واحتفظ به في مكان بعيد عن الماء الراكد.

ملحوظة: صورنا هي للإشارة فقط. يتم تصنيع المنتجات يدويًا باستخدام مكونات طبيعية. يرجى السماح باختلاف اللون والتصميم في منتجاتك النهائية.

هام: توقف عن الاستخدام في حالة حدوث أي تهيج.

التعبئة والتغليف: جميع الألواح مغلفة في ورق حرفي يحتوي على مكونات عامة ونوع الصابون المدرج بالداخل.

© 2011 منتجات Sudsy Soapery الطبيعية ™. كل الحقوق محفوظة. جميع الصور © 2015 The Sudsy Soapery Natural Products™. كل الحقوق محفوظة.

عرض التفاصيل الكاملة

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Celeste Harrell (Lindale, US)
Makes Bath time easier

My dogs love this soap. (I actually do have to keep them from licking it off while they’re lathered.) It’s easier to manage during bath time with a large Catahoulas, and it gets them squeaky clean. I find that they actually stay cleaner and smell better for longer with this than with other dog shampoos I’ve used in the past. Great product!

Felicia Linear (Florissant, US)

Great !

Laura Cadamagnani (Phoenix, US)
Pet shampoo

I love this product. Really gets my dog clean and doesn’t leave him itchy.

Brandon Hill (Cortez, US)
Heidi the Weimaraner loved her smell-good, soapy bath!

The doggy bath soap was equally enjoyed by the bath tub scrubber & canaine alike. Two scrub downs , two rinses & a three towel “scrubby dutch” dry-off later & our girl was dancing for glee in the back yard!!! Your pet soap is great stuff - just ask Heidi: “Woof, Woof” she says as she munches her milk bone treat. Thank you.

Excellent Product!

We tried the Pet Soap for the first time on both of our small, indoor dogs this past week and have been very pleased with the results so far. Since we never use the typical harsh insecticidal products made for dogs to repel pests on our pets (and the store-bought brands tend to either leave a terrible "fake clean", chemical-scent or dry out their coats so badly that they scratch themselves for days), we were glad to discover that SS had a product we could try. This soap not only lathered well and rinsed easily, but also softened their coats like no other product we've ever used. And all while leaving a pleasant, natural, outdoorsy scent. We're hopeful the soap will also be a great bug repellent, but we're only in the first week post-bath so I'll have to hold off with rating it for effectiveness for the time being, but so far so good, even after several walks through known tick territories around our property. In all other aspects---and especially in the "Soft & Cuddly Coat" category----the Pet Soap wins hands-down over all the major brands on the market today. Not to mention it's as economical as all the other SS products, and so what could be better!?! Thank you again for another wonderful product :)

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Celeste Harrell (Lindale, US)
Makes Bath time easier

My dogs love this soap. (I actually do have to keep them from licking it off while they’re lathered.) It’s easier to manage during bath time with a large Catahoulas, and it gets them squeaky clean. I find that they actually stay cleaner and smell better for longer with this than with other dog shampoos I’ve used in the past. Great product!

Felicia Linear (Florissant, US)

Great !

Laura Cadamagnani (Phoenix, US)
Pet shampoo

I love this product. Really gets my dog clean and doesn’t leave him itchy.

Brandon Hill (Cortez, US)
Heidi the Weimaraner loved her smell-good, soapy bath!

The doggy bath soap was equally enjoyed by the bath tub scrubber & canaine alike. Two scrub downs , two rinses & a three towel “scrubby dutch” dry-off later & our girl was dancing for glee in the back yard!!! Your pet soap is great stuff - just ask Heidi: “Woof, Woof” she says as she munches her milk bone treat. Thank you.

Excellent Product!

We tried the Pet Soap for the first time on both of our small, indoor dogs this past week and have been very pleased with the results so far. Since we never use the typical harsh insecticidal products made for dogs to repel pests on our pets (and the store-bought brands tend to either leave a terrible "fake clean", chemical-scent or dry out their coats so badly that they scratch themselves for days), we were glad to discover that SS had a product we could try. This soap not only lathered well and rinsed easily, but also softened their coats like no other product we've ever used. And all while leaving a pleasant, natural, outdoorsy scent. We're hopeful the soap will also be a great bug repellent, but we're only in the first week post-bath so I'll have to hold off with rating it for effectiveness for the time being, but so far so good, even after several walks through known tick territories around our property. In all other aspects---and especially in the "Soft & Cuddly Coat" category----the Pet Soap wins hands-down over all the major brands on the market today. Not to mention it's as economical as all the other SS products, and so what could be better!?! Thank you again for another wonderful product :)

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Celeste Harrell (Lindale, US)
Makes Bath time easier

My dogs love this soap. (I actually do have to keep them from licking it off while they’re lathered.) It’s easier to manage during bath time with a large Catahoulas, and it gets them squeaky clean. I find that they actually stay cleaner and smell better for longer with this than with other dog shampoos I’ve used in the past. Great product!

Felicia Linear (Florissant, US)

Great !

Laura Cadamagnani (Phoenix, US)
Pet shampoo

I love this product. Really gets my dog clean and doesn’t leave him itchy.

Brandon Hill (Cortez, US)
Heidi the Weimaraner loved her smell-good, soapy bath!

The doggy bath soap was equally enjoyed by the bath tub scrubber & canaine alike. Two scrub downs , two rinses & a three towel “scrubby dutch” dry-off later & our girl was dancing for glee in the back yard!!! Your pet soap is great stuff - just ask Heidi: “Woof, Woof” she says as she munches her milk bone treat. Thank you.

Excellent Product!

We tried the Pet Soap for the first time on both of our small, indoor dogs this past week and have been very pleased with the results so far. Since we never use the typical harsh insecticidal products made for dogs to repel pests on our pets (and the store-bought brands tend to either leave a terrible "fake clean", chemical-scent or dry out their coats so badly that they scratch themselves for days), we were glad to discover that SS had a product we could try. This soap not only lathered well and rinsed easily, but also softened their coats like no other product we've ever used. And all while leaving a pleasant, natural, outdoorsy scent. We're hopeful the soap will also be a great bug repellent, but we're only in the first week post-bath so I'll have to hold off with rating it for effectiveness for the time being, but so far so good, even after several walks through known tick territories around our property. In all other aspects---and especially in the "Soft & Cuddly Coat" category----the Pet Soap wins hands-down over all the major brands on the market today. Not to mention it's as economical as all the other SS products, and so what could be better!?! Thank you again for another wonderful product :)